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Monday, March 8, 2021

How many times do people fall in love?

        Did you ever think about it before??

We don't talk about how much cruchs you had, we are talking about True Love.
    Studies have reported that we can falls in love only 3 times in our entire life!!!
      Each time for an specific reason and specific goal.
In our life we need tree type of experience or tree types of relationships,just to complete our émotional experience, to finelly chose the right one ,to chose our life partner,husband or wife.

But what kinds of love do we go through??

Fist love: innocent and virgin Love

We often go through this beautiful experience in our teens.

We think that we have found the perfect Love,the one and only love.

In this experience we care about how other people looking to us, we care about if they are satisfied with us more to care about the feeling itself,but we will find out later that this is an immature love, we will find out that our needs in love chaged.

The second Love:A mixture between passion and cruelty.

We go throught many experience,we have learned many hard lessons,we passed by many hard situation,loving the wrong guy,but despite our love for him or her,we can't live or continue living with that person.

Despite we want this love and still belive and hope that we will have that happy ending, however it will end with a sad and tragic finale.

It is important to go throught this love and this experience,we may meet some bad guys and they will hurt us, they may play with our feelings ,we will try to save our relationship with them with no real reason.

We may test this experience many time,till we find out our selves,till we find out what we really love and hate in our partner.

With no plants we will fall into the 3rd Love،the last love

The third Love:

Despite the privious experience we have passed before, we may find ourselves dragged into this love smoothly,many people will find they true Love in this third love.

This love don't learn us just to feel it,this love learn us to give love.


This studies do not apply to everyone, you may find your true love ine the first or the second love.

You may olso pass all this kind of love with one person in diffrent life age.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

When did you know that Dogs can do that!!

The researchers attempted to discover whether or not ill humans emitted a specific olfactory signature. Including smells that our sense of smell cannot perceive. To do this, they successfully exploit the dogs' sense of smell. They have shown that task-trained dogs are able to detect smells characteristic of specific diseases.

They can now recognize breast, colon, or lung cancer just by taking patients' breaths. Dogs also detect sugar changes in the sweat or breath of their diabetic owners. In these specific cases, these particular odors are not necessarily irritating or detectable to humans, but are well recognized by dogs and are valuable clues regarding the prevention or identification of a health problem.
 Dogs are definitely our most loyal and surprising friends!

You have a bad breath?you must read this artical

 Often some people suffer from bad breath without even realizing it! How do we warn about such a nuisance that is not really charming? Here are some very helpful keys to stop seeing people take a step back when you talk to them closely.

The main causes of bad breath and body odor in general are bacteria. It is not necessarily a matter of hygiene. 

You can be regularly brushing your teeth and have bad breath. Dental health can only be questioned in certain cases. 

The bacteria that live in the mouth are responsible for breaking down food debris and recycling old cells, leading to the formation of odor volatile gases. Also monitor the condition of your gums. If it bleeds easily or is painful, the inflammation should be treated because apart from the discomfort it always leads to bad breath.

Cavities are also a common cause.

 Mutant streptococcus is the main bacteria involved in oral diseases. So, first tip: brush your teeth twice a day to avoid overgrowth of bacteria and dental plaque. Complete the process using dental floss and an interdental brush. Add a drop of tea tree oil or lemon essential oil with cleansing properties to your brush once a day at most. You can also make a mouthwash with baking soda. Nothing could be simpler: a teaspoon in a glass of water, gargle and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this magic potion. However, this protocol is not always sufficient to eliminate the source of the unpleasant odor.

,very often, bad breath is not due to poor oral hygiene. Certain foods promote bad breath because they leave a strong scent imprint on the palate and on the tongue. I am thinking of garlic, onion or cabbage, which give off sulfur compounds during digestion, but then disappear. The problem is then one-off and has nothing to invalidate. In contrast, a struggling digestive system can lead to everyday problems.

Fermentation, dysbiose and putrefaction

When digestion causes excessive fermentation or putrefaction, we are talking about dysbacteriosis. There are actually two main types of bacteria in germs: Fermentation bacteria that use sugars as fuel; Break down bacteria that use protein for energy. These two types of bacteria need to be in balance for things to run smoothly. Any defect (an excess of rotting or fermentation) is a source of problems in the digestive system and septic dysbiosis is also responsible for ... bad breath.

Where does putrefactive dysbiosis come from? 

A diet too rich in meat 

On a diet low in plant fibers 

Pancreatic insufficiency

 Repetitive use of antibiotics.

What are the symptoms of septic dysbacteriosis?

 Bloating and foul-smelling gases Bad breath The heaviness of the digestive system Referrals In case of rotting dysbacteriosis, reduce your consumption of meat, 

increase your portions of fruits and vegetables, 

and bring your digestive system to rest through mono or intermittent fasting. 

Balance your gut flora with probiotics. Use activated charcoal to cleanse your gut:

*1-2 tablespoons of charcoal powder, diluted in a large glass of water, 3 times a day with meals, for 15 days. 

*If you prefer capsules, take 1 or 2 capsules twice daily.

Warning: Do not take charcoal while taking medication, as the charcoal will absorb the treated ingredients in your medications Note: bacteria love and feed on sugar.

Then it multiplies in the mouth, between the teeth, but also in the colon, which leads to a major imbalance.

Bad breath? You may be ill 

The reproduction of the bacteria responsible for bad breath sometimes occurs in the presence of infections or conditions such as stomach ulcers or cancers of the digestive system. Smell, then, is a sign of ill health that should not be overlooked! In fact, in a healthy body, the bile secreted by the liver helps eliminate bad bacteria. Bacteria that have not been destroyed cause bad breath. The volatile compounds that they release come out of our mouths when we breathe in.

The same applies to respiratory diseases (chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, for example). In these cases, breathing through the mouth and a buildup of phlegm in the nose or lungs also promote the growth of the bacteria responsible for bad breath. Based on this observation, the researchers attempted to discover whether or not ill humans emitted a specific olfactory signature. Including smells that our sense of smell cannot perceive. To do this, they successfully exploit the dogs' sense of smell. They have shown that task-trained dogs are able to detect smells characteristic of specific diseases.

Diet is the second preventive treatment for bad breath, after dental hygiene. Let's face it, good digestion eliminates most bad breath problems. I would like to note in this regard that chewing is the number one factor that enhances the quality of digestion. So do not swallow your food but chew it for a long time! The pleasure of eating will increase tenfold. A few simple habits help immensely.

These few tips should help you keep your breath fresh

1-Plants with purifying properties to facilitate digestion and refresh the breath taken at the end of a meal Bite into cardamom pods, fennel seeds, dill, a few parsley leaves, or even chew a little ginger.

2- To prevent your mouth from drying out, drink plenty of water.

3-Bet on green tea! Comparative studies between chlorhexidine (a product frequently used in mouthwashes) and green tea have shown that they has the same effectiveness. A green tea mouthwash in a few minutes reduces the number of Streptococcus mutans (the bacteria most implicated in cavities and inflammation of the mouth.)

4-The legendary "Eau de Botot" (available in pharmacies), meanwhile, promises you royal breath! It owes its name to its inventor, Edme François Julien Botot, physician to King Louis XV, who saw in this preparation a means of preserving the teeth of his sovereign, while ensuring him a breath compatible with his reputation as a seducer. Its composition, almost unchanged since its creation, includes alcohol and natural essences of mint, cinnamon and cloves. Pour a few drops of the mixture into a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it.

Strange things happen to woman’s body during menstrual cycle

 During the menstrual cycle, a girl or woman undergoes many strange changes, which affect her psychologically and physically.

*She may suffer from insomnia:

Some women face insomnia during their menstrual cycle, and there are 63% of women who suffer from interrupted sleep a week before their period, and 30% suffer from sleep disturbance during the period and the reason is the change in body temperature and increased tension and anxiety

*become forgetful:

Many women stated that they noticed a lot of forgetfulness during the menstrual period, and the reason was due to the decrease in the estrogen hormone. Do not worry, this matter will disappear with the end of your menstrual period, my lady

*Even her voice  can change During the menstrual cycle!! but the strangest thing is that men are able to detect this difference.

Through audio recordings taken before and during the menstrual period,The men participating in the study were able to determine the date of a woman's menstrual cycle, at a rate of 35%.

Some women have admitted that they feel more chaotic during their menstrual cycle, and some have experienced stumbling and falling a lot, and of course hormonal changes are the reason.

According to experts, some women may suffer from oral health problems as well, such as the appearance of some ulcers, red gums, and others......

Your skin may also become more sensitive and the reason is the secretion of the hormone prostaglandin, this hormone makes the body more sensitive to pain as well as redness in the skin.

You will feel pain all over your body, and some women also experience joint pain, especially in the knees.

You will notice that you visit the toilet a lot during your menstrual period due to the changes in the progesterone hormone.

If you suffer from asthma, it is important to know that menstruation stimulates asthma, about 30 to 40% of women have noticed that. Do you believe that an American woman has suffered from eye bleeding during her menstrual period !! Her case was named by the supervising doctors for her condition in the name of proxy menstruation. Do not worry, her case is very rare.

Best in the menstrual cycle You're burning calories during menstruation, and your hormones estrogen and progesterone are changing, which leads to a change in the fluid balance in the kidneys and blood.

Have you experienced any of these symptoms?

Friday, March 5, 2021

Did you know you could do that with charcoal?

Charcoal has many uses,which are easy and beneficial,and you won't believe how effective and fast its results are.

In this article, I will tell you about the most important uses of charcoal, and the ways that you can use it.

8 benefits of activated charcoal:

1-For teeth: 

- You get charcoal
 -Make it smooth
- Add the Charcoal +two tablespoons of water to it 
-Dip your toothbrushes in the mixture and apply it to your teeth. *Go on this way daily and you will be impressed by the result.

  Charcoal works to remove yellowness and all plaque, giving you a white smile to dazzle your friends and maybe your cruch too.

2-Remove blackness in sensitive areas:

All you need is :
- And an amount of fine charcoal 
Mix the two together to get a homogeneous mixture
Apply the mixture on the area you want. 
You will notice the difference immediately after removing the mixture from your body.

3- Temporary hair dye:

 Tired of your current hair color, you want a beautiful black hair color. It's easy
Mix Aloe Vera +The amount of ground charcoal +Flax seed+ Hot water.
Blender well until mixture becomes homogeneous.
Apply the mixture to your hair, wait two hours, then wash your hair with warm water.

4-Remove blackheads:

Mix smooth charcoal with wood glue Then apply the mixture on your nose and where the blackheads are.

5-For refreshed and rejuvenated skin :

-Three tablespoons of baking soda 
-Three tablespoons of charcoal 
-Three tablespoons of citric acid 
-Two tablespoons of essential oil 
Mix all ingredients, then shape into a ball. 
Use the ball while you shower, the ball will melt in contact with water.

6-Skin irritation:

 In a water bath, we put
 pieces of vegetable soap and leave it until it melts. 
From there we add charcoal,
And two tablespoons of chamomile oil.
 mix the components, then put the mixture in molds and leave it until it solidifies.
By washing with this new soap, you will get rid of harmful bacteria, and the soap will absorb the existing toxins.

7-Remove dandruff from hair:

Fine charcoal 
-Liquid soap without paraben
- Distilled water 
**mix it all together and put it in a small bottle. Use the mixture for dark hair only.

8-stomach ache:

 We boil A cup of grape juice, then add gelatin and two tablespoons of ground charcoal to 
put the mixture to cool in molds.

Here you might get a treat for stomach ache, flatulence and diarrhea.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

How do I recover my sexual desire after menopause

 menopause is not the death of your sex life!

After menopause, the woman's body undergoes many changes, due to the decrease in the proportion of the hormones progesterone and estrogen Among those changes: Uncontrolled weight gain, poor thyroid gland, joint problems, interrupted sleep ... and many other problems.
 At the level of the intimate area and the vagina, this lack of estrogen causes the vaginal mucous membranes to become drier. The walls of the vagina and vulva become less elastic and thinner than usual.
Narrowing of the vulva opening and vaginal canal. Even the balance of the vaginal flora can be disturbed. Feelings of annoyance appear, sometimes unpleasant odors ... 
With all that do not worry madam always there is a solution.
6 in 10 postmenopausal women are affected by menopausal problems. 
Vaginal dryness comes with menopause. 
The sexual relationship becomes painful. 
Natural lubrication is not sufficient. 
Sexual intercourse is increasingly rare.
Vaginal dryness gets worse ... 
Don't fall for this trap! Vaginal dryness is often caused by the natural lubrication that has become longer. Your desires are not extinguished: you just have to make them come differently. Your sexual intercourse is proceeding normally, you just need a little more patience ...
Break those dark thoughts that are eating your mind:

 Fear of old age, pessimism, fear of not being satisfied with a partner, negative mood ... We can clearly see that our body is changing, and our state of mind has evolved ... Do not let those negative thoughts and black feelings dominate your thoughts because there is simply a solution to your problem.
This period of life is a turning point: Menopause is an opportunity, but you need to know how to enjoy it. 
You have to dare to confront it, and talk about it with your partner, your doctor. This is exactly the starting point for great menopause and great sex!

Menopause in full bloom:

a few minutes a day is enough New everyday habits, a different way of thinking ...
* Physical activity can be very beneficial on a daily basis. Training for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, suffices in many cases! 
The National Institute of Health and Medical Research reiterated this in a 2019 study.
 "Impactful physical activity (running, jumping ...) increases bone mineral density (spine, thigh neck and rotator)."
Result: Reduced daily fracture risk.
 For a woman who walks about 4 hours a week, this risk is reduced by 41%. And this isn't the only positive effect of physical activity on menopause! You will be able to reduce hot flashes, improve your spirits on a daily basis and drastically increase your sexual desire.
Are you ready for a second honeymoon? 
Children have grown up and each rode in their own home, home now is for only  you and your mate.
 This is the perfect opportunity to meet your husband, to reconnect and make love, this time whenever and wherever you want. 
Not to mention that stopping your period is the best way to prevent pregnancy! All of this is just a first step of what to expect ...

Against urinary leaks

These postures are called “Kegel exercises”. They are generally recommended for pregnant women. However, they are useful throughout our life as women! They help to re-muscle and tone the perineum to reduce the risk of bladder leakage.

Against hot flashes

Walking, running, gymnastics, yoga, pilates or any sport you prefer. 
Exercise will help you reduce hot flashes and reduce their severity. The positive effects in terms of sleep and morale will also be recorded. For optimal results: a frequency of 2-3 sessions per week for an activity that pleases you and motivates you, will be the perfect solution.

Against weight gain:

Simple changes in our diet can change everything. 
A balanced diet More protein (meat, fish, and legumes 3-4 times a week), more antioxidants (vitamins C, D, E, folate, zinc, etc.), and more "good fats" (olive, walnut, camelina, etc.) .
Reward yourself! Dark chocolate, for example, helps fight cell aging thanks to the natural antioxidants (polyphenols) it contains.

Reward yourself! 
Dark chocolate, for example, it helps fight cell aging thanks to the natural antioxidants (polyphenols) it contains.


During menopause, the body's production of estrogen decreases, making it easier to break bones and a loss of strengthening for bone tissue formation.
You have to make an exercice program with your doctor or Your dietitian or fitness trainer،some simple exercice will be the solution.

Respiratory problems:

Estrogen plays a very important role in your body. Madam, do not be surprised if the slightest climb of stairs becomes an ordeal. During menopause, respiratory problems are common. Why? Because the estrogen hormone works to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and the balance between good and bad cholesterol in the body.
Once the estrogen is depleted, blood vessels are damaged. If nothing is done, it can be very debilitating on a daily basis. But have you heard of the ORAC? It is generally advised to choose the ingredients that have the best ORAC indicator.

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J’ai toujours bien pris soin de mes dents, mais j’ai toujours eu l’impression de ne pas en faire assez Toutes les lotions et brosses à dents...