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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Are you pregnant? Do not forget these things

 Did you recently know your first pregnency?do you feel ready for this pregnency ?you can take tjis responsability?
Fill you with overwhelling joy for this news that you always dreamed of,but do you know what your next steps are?
Do you know my dear,what to do in the first months of your pregnency?
Don't worry I'll tell you in the next lline about the tips that you must do in  your first 4 months of pregnency....

The first thing to do after discovering pregnency is to schedule a follow-up appointement with the specialiste doctor and to know the medical procedures necessery to have a healthy pregnency.
You should schedule a consultation during the first or about two months of pregnency,this is to find out the statue of the pregnency and the fetus and to follow-up any symtoms that effect you wich may be dangerous or require intervention from the doctore.
During the first visit, the necessary medical analyzes must be made and that there are no diseases with measuring weight at each visit, the size of the abdomen, measuring blood pressure, in addition to testing for urine and sugar and making sure of the fetus’s heartbeat.
 Proper healthy nutrition is the first way to get a healthy and healthy child, God willing, so you have to eat all the important elements you need from proteins, carbohydrates and various vitamins, as well as fats in a moderate proportion.
A pregnant woman needs approximately the same calories she needs in the first months, naturally it may increase a little by 300 additional calories, but not madly as we see among women from overeating and overweight during pregnancy, which has a negative impact on the health of the woman as well as the fetus.

Take vitamins, especially folic acid, at the beginning of the months of pregnancy and even before planning a pregnancy because it prevents fetal deformities of the nervous system. Dear reader, water is the secret of life, and it is also the secret of your health staying safe during pregnancy, so drink at least 8-6 cups of Water daily.
 Completely abstain from consuming caffeine and stimulants in all their forms and maintain an appropriate amount of rest at night and during the day because it has all the effect on the growth of your fetus and your comfort as it affects the development of the nervous system of the fetus.
 -keep eating snacks during the day, do not leave your stomach completely empty, To prevent low blood sugar. 
-You may feel nausea that bother you and make your pregnancy a burden and a burden that you cannot bear, so eat small meals throughout the day so that you do not feel hungry. 
-Avoid rich, spicy and greasy foods, and foods that bother you with odors. 
-If you are taking any prescription medications, you should check that they can continue during pregnancy. 
-If you smoke and even passive smoking, abstain completely -from these habits and also drink alcohol during pregnancy.
 One of the harmful effects of smoking on a pregnant woman is that it increases the risk of miscarriage, the death of the fetus, or the death of the child immediately after birth. 
-if you drink alcohol, it is recommended to stop and replace it with healthy, fresh juices. As for drinking coffee, it is recommended to drink a light cup of coffee a day, but drinking a cup of juice in the day is much better.

There is some food that is forbidden for pregnant women in the first months:

such as
unpasteurized dairy products: milk, unpasteurized yogurt, and unpasteurized soft cheeses, as they may contain E.coli or Listeria bacteria, which cause miscarriage and deformities of the fetus. 
Processed meats: Raw or unripe meat and poultry, such as luncheon, pastrami salami, pepperoni, roast beef, hot dogs and

Fish: Including the types of fish that contain high levels of mercury, such as swordfish and mackerel, where mercury affects the growth of the nervous system of the fetus, as well as raw and not well cooked fish, such as oysters, sushi, fesikh and herring. Of pregnancy, as some research suggests that it may cause a miscarriage because it stimulates the uterus and facilitates childbirth. 

Raw foods: such as raw eggs, be careful not to eat raw eggs that are not well cooked, or that go into making cookies or cakes because they contain salmonella bacteria. 

Salty foods: Eat salt in reasonable quantities, and stay away from salty foods, especially pickles, as excess salt causes .preeclampsia.

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