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Friday, March 12, 2021

Breast cancer


Breast cancer: 

It is a disease that affects both women and men

What it saves you from is early detection before cancer develops

You must check your family's medical history, as it may be inherited

And if you feel any symptoms of breast cancer, you should seek examination immediately, in order to remedy the situation

You will know about breast cancer prevention through the video, and it will show you how to detect breast cancer or not.


If you have these symptoms, you should do a check-up to make sure of your safety

Breast cancer symptoms

A lump in the breast

Secretion of a clear substance or blood from the breast

Change in the shape of the nipple

Breast shape or size has changed from normal

The skin of the breast is puckered and red, which resembles an orange peel.

The reasons that may be the cause of your breast cancer

Age: It may be a factor of infection. If you are over the age of 40, you must adhere to regular breast cancer screening every year or six months.

If you have ever had breast cancer, you should be wary of getting it again

Family history: any of your family members have previously had it

Genetic tendency: meaning that your genetics are ready to receive the disease

Exposure to radiation


Menstruation at a relatively early age: This can affect you, so you need to take precautions and stick to regular check-ups

Reach menopause, or menopause at an early age

Hormone therapy: as treatment for the menstrual cycle or for pregnancy, by means of hormone pills or similar medical drugs

Take birth control pills


High density of breast tissue

You should know that there is a tumor that can affect the breast and it is discovered on the examination and the mammogram that it is a cancer that must be removed and pose a danger to you

A tumor of another type may appear, but on the day a tumor is benign, it does not pose any harm to you

So, never be afraid, you just have to pay attention to yourself and check yourself every once in a while to make sure of your safety.

Self-examination will be safe for you, as after every period, do it if you are afraid

And if you feel that the causes of the disease may be yours, you must look for a way to protect yourself from contracting that dreaded disease.

You should educate girls and women who are ignorant of this topic and alert them to the need for testing.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

How do I get rid of cellulite


Cellulite is a complex layer of fat composed of water and lipids, which is concentrated under the surface layer of the skin and is formed as a result of the breakdown of the fat layer under the skin in the connective tissue area, and it stands out in the form of irregular and divergent fat masses that remain close to the surface of the skin, so they remain prominent and lead to Ripples and wrinkles in the outer skin, which we see, appearing as overlapping skin lines, in other words, cellulite.

Unfortunately, women are more susceptible to cellulite because the man has a deep fatty mass. Whatever water and fat are formed, they will not emerge from the natural fat layer.

Cellulite emergence factors

There are several factors that generally affect the appearance and clarity of cellulite, such as:

*Unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy and unbalanced diets.

*Lack of physical activity.

*As well as slow metabolism and hormonal changes in the body,



*Dry skin,

Also, *the amount of fat in the body and* the thickness of the skin color plays a big role in the visibility and appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite treatment:

1- Creams

There are several creams and lotions that promise to rid you of cellulite, such as creams containing retinol. Some studies have found that it may actually have a role in stimulating collagen production in the skin and increasing its thickness, thus reducing the clarity of the cellulite problem.

As well as products containing caffeine, they help shrink fat cells when applied directly to the skin.

However, noticing the effect of summarizing cellulite with these creams is still short-lived, and more studies and applications are needed to find the magic cream in treating the problem of cellulite.

2- Massage

You are doing a thigh massage at home or with a specialist who will help you reduce the appearance of cellulite and work to stretch the fat lines for cellulite in the area de-stretching.

3- Drink water

Make sure to drink water a lot, because the water not only makes your skin moisturized all the time, and it also helps the flow of elements inside your body and reduces their clumping and appearance in the form of wrinkles.

4- Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to eliminate cellulite because it helps to tighten the thighs and buttocks, and thus eliminate cellulite

One of the best exercises that will help you is the Squat exercises, which is shown in the picture bellow

How do I define my skin type

In order to be able to choose the right product for your skin, you must first know your skin type .. If you use creams or masks that do not suit your skin type, this may cause inflammation, dryness, or damage to your skin in general, so that it may cause pimples or burns as well, so you have to get to know your skin well. .

1- Oily skin:

The secretion of sebum in it is more than normal, large pores, blackheads on the nose, pimples, washing them does not work, on the contrary, it can increase the secretion of sebum.

Use products that do not contain oils.

2- Dry Skin:

In contrast to oily skin, where the secretion of sebum is less than normal, the presence of peeling, the appearance of expressive lines clearly "when smiling, laughing or anger, for example", there may be early wrinkles under the eyes.

You should choose products that have a high moisture content and include Vitamin E.

3- Combination Skin:

It is a mixture between oily and dry skin, meaning that the forehead and nose area is oily and the rest of the face is dry .. And this type changes according to the seasons of the year, for example in the summer it is mixed with a tendency to dryness and in the winter it is mixed with more oily and then you choose the product written on it:Combination to oily skin.

4- Sensitive skin:

It is a skin that is more prone to pimples and inflammation .. it may be dry sensitive skin or dry oily skin.

Choose the product written on it for sensitive skin, and women with this type of skin must be very careful and careful in using any product because it may cause pimples or inflammation if it is not suitable for sensitive skin.

5- Normal skin:

Lucky for those with normal skin because it is considered problem-free, its lipids are balanced ... Choose the product labeled on it for normal skin.

Those were all the skin types.Did I help you find yours?

The damage of long nails

 We always look to have long, strong, soft and attractive nails

We seek to do this by taking vitamins that strengthen the nails, but we overlook the damage to long nails

Some American doctors from the University of Georgia discovered that the area under the long nails is a comfortable place for bacteria and germs that cause many health problems and diseases, such as liver, kidney and lung diseases, and in many cases, a group has been recorded. Of the cases that developed anemia and diabetes, due to the lengthening of the nails

Long nails protect the original nail, but the long nails we see are of course harmful

Keep your nails trimmed every 40 days, so you can enjoy more health and beauty.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Are you pregnant? Do not forget these things

 Did you recently know your first pregnency?do you feel ready for this pregnency ?you can take tjis responsability?
Fill you with overwhelling joy for this news that you always dreamed of,but do you know what your next steps are?
Do you know my dear,what to do in the first months of your pregnency?
Don't worry I'll tell you in the next lline about the tips that you must do in  your first 4 months of pregnency....

The first thing to do after discovering pregnency is to schedule a follow-up appointement with the specialiste doctor and to know the medical procedures necessery to have a healthy pregnency.
You should schedule a consultation during the first or about two months of pregnency,this is to find out the statue of the pregnency and the fetus and to follow-up any symtoms that effect you wich may be dangerous or require intervention from the doctore.
During the first visit, the necessary medical analyzes must be made and that there are no diseases with measuring weight at each visit, the size of the abdomen, measuring blood pressure, in addition to testing for urine and sugar and making sure of the fetus’s heartbeat.
 Proper healthy nutrition is the first way to get a healthy and healthy child, God willing, so you have to eat all the important elements you need from proteins, carbohydrates and various vitamins, as well as fats in a moderate proportion.
A pregnant woman needs approximately the same calories she needs in the first months, naturally it may increase a little by 300 additional calories, but not madly as we see among women from overeating and overweight during pregnancy, which has a negative impact on the health of the woman as well as the fetus.

Take vitamins, especially folic acid, at the beginning of the months of pregnancy and even before planning a pregnancy because it prevents fetal deformities of the nervous system. Dear reader, water is the secret of life, and it is also the secret of your health staying safe during pregnancy, so drink at least 8-6 cups of Water daily.
 Completely abstain from consuming caffeine and stimulants in all their forms and maintain an appropriate amount of rest at night and during the day because it has all the effect on the growth of your fetus and your comfort as it affects the development of the nervous system of the fetus.
 -keep eating snacks during the day, do not leave your stomach completely empty, To prevent low blood sugar. 
-You may feel nausea that bother you and make your pregnancy a burden and a burden that you cannot bear, so eat small meals throughout the day so that you do not feel hungry. 
-Avoid rich, spicy and greasy foods, and foods that bother you with odors. 
-If you are taking any prescription medications, you should check that they can continue during pregnancy. 
-If you smoke and even passive smoking, abstain completely -from these habits and also drink alcohol during pregnancy.
 One of the harmful effects of smoking on a pregnant woman is that it increases the risk of miscarriage, the death of the fetus, or the death of the child immediately after birth. 
-if you drink alcohol, it is recommended to stop and replace it with healthy, fresh juices. As for drinking coffee, it is recommended to drink a light cup of coffee a day, but drinking a cup of juice in the day is much better.

There is some food that is forbidden for pregnant women in the first months:

such as
unpasteurized dairy products: milk, unpasteurized yogurt, and unpasteurized soft cheeses, as they may contain E.coli or Listeria bacteria, which cause miscarriage and deformities of the fetus. 
Processed meats: Raw or unripe meat and poultry, such as luncheon, pastrami salami, pepperoni, roast beef, hot dogs and

Fish: Including the types of fish that contain high levels of mercury, such as swordfish and mackerel, where mercury affects the growth of the nervous system of the fetus, as well as raw and not well cooked fish, such as oysters, sushi, fesikh and herring. Of pregnancy, as some research suggests that it may cause a miscarriage because it stimulates the uterus and facilitates childbirth. 

Raw foods: such as raw eggs, be careful not to eat raw eggs that are not well cooked, or that go into making cookies or cakes because they contain salmonella bacteria. 

Salty foods: Eat salt in reasonable quantities, and stay away from salty foods, especially pickles, as excess salt causes .preeclampsia.

The dangers of stop having Sex


Have you ever thought about what would happed to you if you started having sex and then stop having it for a very long time??.

What will happend ?what are the side effect to the husbend or the wife in this situation?

First of all we have to agree that having sex with your life partner and with love it will positively effect your health, so that sex will turn from a desire to a prevrntion from deseases.

After the sexual interruption,and after your body was accustomed to sex,there will be some dangers threaten your health.

-you may have depression

-week ammunity,catch deseases fater that usual.

-Mood swings

-Men can develop prostate cancer

-Excessive and constant tension

-sometimes psychological complications and lack of self confidence may accure

-A chill accure between the spouses and they lose thiere passion and a part of love for each other.

-In general, a man cannot live without sexual intercourse for more then tree months.

It must be mensioned that all the advantage that result from having Sex will be negatively affected upon cessation of intimacy.

Maintaining an antimate relationships with your partner will improve your psychological and physical that you will be more relaxed and susceptible to stress

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J’ai toujours bien pris soin de mes dents, mais j’ai toujours eu l’impression de ne pas en faire assez Toutes les lotions et brosses à dents...