There is no doubt that you have heard a lot about the harms of smoking, and the harmful effects that smoking causes, whether on the environment or health, but did you know that smoking kills the lives of more than 6 million people annually at least, according to the statistics of the World Health Organization.
Before I inform you, dear reader, about the diseases that can be caused by smoking, I will inform you about the components of cigarettes.
According to research published in the famous American Lung Association, cigarettes contain more than 600 ingredients and substances, and when burned, they produce more than 7,000 chemicals.
The number of substances that are produced from smoking a cigarette and cause cancer is more than 69, in addition to the toxic chemicals.
Such ingredients are also found in tobacco cigars, hookah pipes, but the level of carcinogens present in cigars is in greater quantities.
Perhaps this is the reason why the death rate from smoking harms in the United States is 3 times the percentage of people who never smoked.
smoking hazards:
The effect of smoking does not stop only on the lungs, but it may have negative effects on all systems and organs of your body:
Respiratory system.
The circulatory system and the heart.
Pregnant mother and fetus.
Sexual life and the respiratory system.
Skin, hair, and nails.
The central nervous system.
The effect of smoking on the central nervous system:
The most important ingredient in tobacco is a drug called nicotine, which is a stimulant substance that mainly affects the work of the central nervous system, as it is directly responsible for the smoker's addiction to smoking, and it enters the body directly through the lungs,then absorbed by the oxygen-rich blood that carries it to the heart, and then it is Pumping it into the blood vessels and down to the brain.
The smoker feels pleasure the moment the nicotine enters the nervous system, but in the event that it fades, the feeling of pleasure is replaced by an uncomfortable one, so that you may suffer several symptoms, including:
Trouble concentrating
Increased appetite
Excessive irritability
Sleep problems
The effect of smoking on the reproductive system:
Nicotine affects blood flow to the genital areas of both men and women.
This affects differently on the sexes. Men who smoke are affected by their sexual performance, while women can lead to sexual dissatisfaction through the inability to reach orgasm.
Smoking may also reduce the level of sex hormones in men and women, leading to a decrease in sexual desire on both sides.
Damages of smoking on pregnant women and the fetus:
Women who smoke are more likely to have complications during childbirth and pregnancy, and it can lead to bleeding.
Women who are exposed to secondhand smoke while pregnant, birth defects may occur in the newborn.
Babies born to pregnant women are 3 times more likely to die in the first week of their lives than normal babies.
Smoking can cause sudden death for a child. Perhaps this is one of the things that happen to many newborn children, as we find that one of the children, without warning, died suddenly.
Smoking may affect the milk of a nursing mother, as it causes it to produce an insufficient amount of natural milk, and many studies have also been conducted. It has been found that the percentage of fat in a smoker mother who breastfeeds her children is less than that of non-smoking mothers.
Damages of smoking on skin, hair and nails:
Smokers always develop yellow spots on their teeth that, over time, turn into brown spots.
Smoking leads to wrinkles, discoloration of the skin, and yellow spots on the nails and skin.
Smoking leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, which leads to the appearance of signs of aging and your appearance appears as if you are older than your real age.
The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular systems:
Smoking damages all of the entire cardiovascular systems, as nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, which impedes blood flow in the long run.
The continued narrowing can damage the blood vessels and this causes a disease called peripheral artery.
Smoking also contributes to raising blood pressure and weakening the walls of blood vessels, and increases the chance of developing blood clots, which in turn increases the risk of stroke.
Damages of smoking on the digestive system:
Smoking causes cancer of the mouth and esophagus, and it does not extend to that only, but we find that smoking is capable of infecting all organs in the circulatory system with cancer such as kidney cancer and pancreatic cancer.
Smoking damages the sense of taste, and the smoker always feels the bitter taste between the foods he eats.
Smoking affects the salivary glands as well as their chemical composition, and it is known that it plays an important role in the digestion of foods.
The effect of smoking on the respiratory system:
Emphysema of the lungs: This is a disorder characterized by excessive inflation of the airways in the lungs.
Chronic bronchitis: This is an inflammation and stimulation of the vascular system responsible for introducing air into the lungs.
Lung Cancer.
Quitting smoking can cause temporary congestion and discomfort in the respiratory system
The same applies to the lungs and airways, and this indicates the beginning of recovery.