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Monday, March 22, 2021

homemade moisturizer in the easiest way

٨ We have always been curious about the secret or the formula in moisturizers, but we do not understand anything but water because it is written in the form of different symbols and we are not chemists of course.

In this article, I will show you the perfect way to create your own homemade moisturizer in the easiest way.

Recipe ingredients for making your own moisturizer:

The water phase:
55.6 rose water/Distilled water (79.5%)
2.8g glycerin (4%)

Oil phase:
7g almond oil (10%)
2.1g cetyl alcohol (3%)
2.1g Emulsifying wax nf1 (3%)

Cool phase:
0.35g cosgard (5%)

How to make moisturizer

The method is very easy, just focus with me a little.
*First we do the water phase we just mix the rose water with the glycerin 
**Second we do the oil phase we mix the almond oil,cetyl alcohol,Emulsifyin wax nf1 together.
***Then we put the two phases together in a water bath till Their temperature becomes 65°C.
****then mis the two phases together and Mix the two ingredients together with a coffee blender.
You will notice that the moisturizer is liquid, not creamy, and this is because when it is hot when it cools, it will be as normal as you know.
*****after mixing the ingredients well we add the cosgard.
We know that any substance that contains water will rot in the long term, so we add this preservative. One of you will not like to put a rotting substance on your face !!.
Put the mixture in a preservative jar and leave it overnight before use.
You can add any nutrient in the form of powder or drops to the moisturizer that you have made, for example materials that benefit dry skin, substances to remove pimples ...

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Try to fix your relations.


When you hurt your child or partner, are you “fixing” that mistake? Everyone makes mistakes, but research shows those mistakes aren't usually bad. It is the failure to "fix" a mistake that has long term negative effects.

Research has shown that when a parent "makes a remedy" (such as apologizing, empathizing, hugging the child, etc.) after hurting a child, it contributes to the development of the child. long-term child.

All parents make mistakes (like yelling at a child after having a bad day, for example), but research indicates that these mistakes do not usually jeopardize the relationship or the child's development. On the contrary, they can even be useful training for future relationships.

These errors become a problem when the parent does not "fix" them. What the child takes away from this attitude is that he must allow his relationships to deteriorate slowly rather than "fixing" them.

The same concepts are valid for romantic relationships. All couples argue, but those who make an effort to "fix" the problems form a closer bond.

Take the time to "fix" your mistakes.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The difference between the birth control pill and the menstrual pill

 In fact, the birth control pill differs from the menstrual pill, although the combination type of birth control pill can be used to prevent menstruation in some cases.

"Preventing menstruation" pills consist of the progesterone hormone present in the woman's body. Usually, the proportion of this hormone is high before the menstrual cycle, and if the egg is not fertilized, its percentage in the body decreases. Therefore, these pills work to keep the level of progesterone high in the body to prevent menstruation.

How do menstruation pills work?

The pills are taken five days before the date of the session, with one pill taken every day at the same specified time.

You can take the pills for as long as you want to stop the menstrual cycle, and when you stop taking the pills, the menstrual cycle begins within 5 days of stopping the menstrual cycle.

The contraceptive pill 

It is one of the means of contraception, and it is divided into two types, mono and combined, the first consisting of the hormone progesterone, and the second consisting of the hormones progesterone and estrogen

The main idea is that increasing these two hormones to a certain percentage always makes the body as if it is in a state of breastfeeding or pregnancy, and therefore a new pregnancy does not occur as the resulting eggs become weak and not suitable for pregnancy

Monday, March 15, 2021

Nicotine is a temporary pleasure with mortaly damage


There is no doubt that you have heard a lot about the harms of smoking, and the harmful effects that smoking causes, whether on the environment or health, but did you know that smoking kills the lives of more than 6 million people annually at least, according to the statistics of the World Health Organization.

Before I inform you, dear reader, about the diseases that can be caused by smoking, I will inform you about the components of cigarettes.

According to research published in the famous American Lung Association, cigarettes contain more than 600 ingredients and substances, and when burned, they produce more than 7,000 chemicals.

The number of substances that are produced from smoking a cigarette and cause cancer is more than 69, in addition to the toxic chemicals.

Such ingredients are also found in tobacco cigars, hookah pipes, but the level of carcinogens present in cigars is in greater quantities.

Perhaps this is the reason why the death rate from smoking harms in the United States is 3 times the percentage of people who never smoked.

smoking hazards:

The effect of smoking does not stop only on the lungs, but it may have negative effects on all systems and organs of your body:

Respiratory system.

The circulatory system and the heart.

Pregnant mother and fetus.

Sexual life and the respiratory system.


Skin, hair, and nails.

The central nervous system.

The effect of smoking on the central nervous system:

The most important ingredient in tobacco is a drug called nicotine, which is a stimulant substance that mainly affects the work of the central nervous system, as it is directly responsible for the smoker's addiction to smoking, and it enters the body directly through the lungs,then absorbed by the oxygen-rich blood that carries it to the heart, and then it is Pumping it into the blood vessels and down to the brain.

The smoker feels pleasure the moment the nicotine enters the nervous system, but in the event that it fades, the feeling of pleasure is replaced by an uncomfortable one, so that you may suffer several symptoms, including:

Trouble concentrating



Increased appetite


Excessive irritability



Sleep problems

The effect of smoking on the reproductive system:

Nicotine affects blood flow to the genital areas of both men and women.

This affects differently on the sexes. Men who smoke are affected by their sexual performance, while women can lead to sexual dissatisfaction through the inability to reach orgasm.

Smoking may also reduce the level of sex hormones in men and women, leading to a decrease in sexual desire on both sides.

Damages of smoking on pregnant women and the fetus:

Women who smoke are more likely to have complications during childbirth and pregnancy, and it can lead to bleeding.

Women who are exposed to secondhand smoke while pregnant, birth defects may occur in the newborn.

Babies born to pregnant women are 3 times more likely to die in the first week of their lives than normal babies.

Smoking can cause sudden death for a child. Perhaps this is one of the things that happen to many newborn children, as we find that one of the children, without warning, died suddenly.

Smoking may affect the milk of a nursing mother, as it causes it to produce an insufficient amount of natural milk, and many studies have also been conducted. It has been found that the percentage of fat in a smoker mother who breastfeeds her children is less than that of non-smoking mothers.

Damages of smoking on skin, hair and nails:

Smokers always develop yellow spots on their teeth that, over time, turn into brown spots.

Smoking leads to wrinkles, discoloration of the skin, and yellow spots on the nails and skin.

Smoking leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, which leads to the appearance of signs of aging and your appearance appears as if you are older than your real age.

The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular systems:

Smoking damages all of the entire cardiovascular systems, as nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, which impedes blood flow in the long run.

The continued narrowing can damage the blood vessels and this causes a disease called peripheral artery.

Smoking also contributes to raising blood pressure and weakening the walls of blood vessels, and increases the chance of developing blood clots, which in turn increases the risk of stroke.

Damages of smoking on the digestive system:

Smoking causes cancer of the mouth and esophagus, and it does not extend to that only, but we find that smoking is capable of infecting all organs in the circulatory system with cancer such as kidney cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Smoking damages the sense of taste, and the smoker always feels the bitter taste between the foods he eats.

Smoking affects the salivary glands as well as their chemical composition, and it is known that it plays an important role in the digestion of foods.

The effect of smoking on the respiratory system:

Emphysema of the lungs: This is a disorder characterized by excessive inflation of the airways in the lungs.

Chronic bronchitis: This is an inflammation and stimulation of the vascular system responsible for introducing air into the lungs.

Lung Cancer.

Quitting smoking can cause temporary congestion and discomfort in the respiratory system

The same applies to the lungs and airways, and this indicates the beginning of recovery.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

You love pork? You must read this...


 Pork is the meat that is extracted from pigs, whether they are raised on farms or homes, and it is one of the most popular types of meat consumed in various parts of the world. It is forbidden to eat pork in some religions, most notably Islam and some Christian sects, most notably the Adventists.

You will wonder why Islam prohibits eating pork? Well the answer will really shock you ...!

Pig: It is the animal that eats everything: garbage, excreta and impurity, and it is a predator, so rats and mice are also considered food for him, also carcasses even the carcasses of other pigs, and here lies its benefits as it saves the earth from filth, as it is an animal broom.

But because he is that kind of animals the pig has 450 diseases inside his body , 57 of them are parasites that can transmit to humans that can kill, and it is the main cause of epidemic diseases, as his body contains (27) epidemic diseases, also pork contributes to hardening of the arteries as it contains a very high amount of Cholesterol, unlike other animals, also leads to infertility, cirrhosis, and various cancers .....

Viral diseases in pork

 Nipah Virus: the world got to know this deadly virus in Malaysia 1998, this virus symptoms are similar to those of influenza. Doctors believe that the virus infected the fruit bat, which in turn transmitted it to pigs, and 117 people died. Medical follow-ups proved that all the injured had a close relationship with pigs, and accordingly, the health departments in Malaysia killed one million pigs. 

Japanese encephalitis virus:this virus causes encephalitis in humans, and in some cases it is cause dead. This Infected birds and transmitted by mosquitoes to pigs,and so from pigs to farmers(humen).

The encephalomyocarditis virus: pigs feed on rats, which are a reservoir for this dangerous virus, so the infection passes from rats to pigs to humans, which causes inflammation in the brain and heart, which leads to the lives of the infected peole.

Bacterial diseases caused by pork 

bacteria of salmonellosis: typhoid, paratomyelitis, and food poisoning are among the diseases caused by the bacteria salmonia. 

Bacteria erysipelas (bacillus antharacis): From whales and tanners, this virulent bacterium is transmitted, in the form of a red plaque, burning hands, accompanied by high temperatures, chills and lymphangitis. These diseases are in addition to the flatworms, tapeworms, nematodes and roundworms that this abominable animal transmits to humans.


Studies have shown that eating pork exposes the body to various parasitic worms, including roundworm, Pinworm, hookworm, and pig tapeworm, which is one of the most dangerous worms as it stays in the intestine for a very long time, and there is a possibility that its eggs may enter the bloodstream, and it can reach To almost all organs of the body, by entering the brain it causes memory loss, and into the heart it causes a heart attack, if it enters the eye, it causes blindness, it can also cause liver damage, it harms the whole body

Recently, doctors performed emergency surgery to extract 700 tapeworms from the lung and brain of a Chinese man who was eating pork.

Injury to the heart and arteries: As a result of high harmful cholesterol in the blood, the proportion of large fats in pork

 Infection of the body with infections: in the nerves, joints, kidneys, lungs, and meningitis. Significant weight gain due to the high percentage of harmful saturated fats, and this causes damage to the heart and various parts of the body.

Bladder cancer: studies have shown that pork cooked at high temperatures creates some heterocyclic amines, which are responsible for increasing the risk of bladder cancer.

Will you keep eat pork?tell me what do you think.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Food that you never eat on an empty stomach

 You will never believe that these foods that many of us eat in the morning as breakfast and most of us on an empty stomach are the cause of your stomach problems.

1 - orange or lemon juice

Drinking orange and lemon juice on an empty stomach causes stomach and intestinal inflammation

2- Tea

It is not recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach because it absorbs iron and thus causes anemia

3- Any food containing caffeine, such as coffee

Lead to stomach ulcers in the long term

4- Tomato

Eating tomatoes on an empty stomach leads to the formation of stones in the stomach.

Morning breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be careful in choosing what you eat.

As an advice, dear reader, drink a cup of warm water on an empty stomach every day after you wake up

take care de vos dents avec one step... ProDentim

J’ai toujours bien pris soin de mes dents, mais j’ai toujours eu l’impression de ne pas en faire assez Toutes les lotions et brosses à dents...