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Showing posts with label Bad breath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad breath. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2022

take care de vos dents avec one step... ProDentim

J’ai toujours bien pris soin de mes dents, mais j’ai toujours eu l’impression de ne pas en faire assez

Toutes les lotions et brosses à dents que j’ai utilisées n’ont montré aucun résultat, Il s’est avéré que de nombreux produits dentaires populaires (tels que le dentifrice et le rince-bouche) contiennent des ingrédients toxiques qui peuvent détruire le microbiome dans la bouche. Cela explique pourquoi les dents peuvent fleurir pendant des centaines d’années en dehors de la bouche (dans les fossiles), tandis que dans notre bouche, elles sont détruites par quelque chose d’aussi simple que le chocolat.

On nous a toujours dit que les « mauvaises » bactéries sont responsables de toutes les maladies dentaires, mais en y regardant de plus près, les scientifiques ont réalisé qu’un déséquilibre dans la santé bucco-dentaire est causé par un manque de bonnes bactéries. Afin de soutenir la santé de vos dents et de vos gencives, vous devez remplir votre bouche de bonnes bactéries et fournir un environnement sain pour la croissance des souches.

alors j’ai commencé à chercher quelque chose

  • Formule naturelle,
  • ,Sans OGM,
  • Pas de stimulants,
  • de non-habitude,
  • Sans gluten et surtout Facile à utiliser

et je pense que finement j’ai trouvé le bon produit, Mes gencives n’avaient pas l’air mieux que jamais. Ça fait tellement de bien de ne pas s’inquiéter pour mes dents. J’aime tout simplement ça.

le secret était dans Prodentim- ProDentim - Text Presentatio

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Sunday, March 7, 2021

You have a bad breath?you must read this artical

 Often some people suffer from bad breath without even realizing it! How do we warn about such a nuisance that is not really charming? Here are some very helpful keys to stop seeing people take a step back when you talk to them closely.

The main causes of bad breath and body odor in general are bacteria. It is not necessarily a matter of hygiene. 

You can be regularly brushing your teeth and have bad breath. Dental health can only be questioned in certain cases. 

The bacteria that live in the mouth are responsible for breaking down food debris and recycling old cells, leading to the formation of odor volatile gases. Also monitor the condition of your gums. If it bleeds easily or is painful, the inflammation should be treated because apart from the discomfort it always leads to bad breath.

Cavities are also a common cause.

 Mutant streptococcus is the main bacteria involved in oral diseases. So, first tip: brush your teeth twice a day to avoid overgrowth of bacteria and dental plaque. Complete the process using dental floss and an interdental brush. Add a drop of tea tree oil or lemon essential oil with cleansing properties to your brush once a day at most. You can also make a mouthwash with baking soda. Nothing could be simpler: a teaspoon in a glass of water, gargle and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this magic potion. However, this protocol is not always sufficient to eliminate the source of the unpleasant odor.

,very often, bad breath is not due to poor oral hygiene. Certain foods promote bad breath because they leave a strong scent imprint on the palate and on the tongue. I am thinking of garlic, onion or cabbage, which give off sulfur compounds during digestion, but then disappear. The problem is then one-off and has nothing to invalidate. In contrast, a struggling digestive system can lead to everyday problems.

Fermentation, dysbiose and putrefaction

When digestion causes excessive fermentation or putrefaction, we are talking about dysbacteriosis. There are actually two main types of bacteria in germs: Fermentation bacteria that use sugars as fuel; Break down bacteria that use protein for energy. These two types of bacteria need to be in balance for things to run smoothly. Any defect (an excess of rotting or fermentation) is a source of problems in the digestive system and septic dysbiosis is also responsible for ... bad breath.

Where does putrefactive dysbiosis come from? 

A diet too rich in meat 

On a diet low in plant fibers 

Pancreatic insufficiency

 Repetitive use of antibiotics.

What are the symptoms of septic dysbacteriosis?

 Bloating and foul-smelling gases Bad breath The heaviness of the digestive system Referrals In case of rotting dysbacteriosis, reduce your consumption of meat, 

increase your portions of fruits and vegetables, 

and bring your digestive system to rest through mono or intermittent fasting. 

Balance your gut flora with probiotics. Use activated charcoal to cleanse your gut:

*1-2 tablespoons of charcoal powder, diluted in a large glass of water, 3 times a day with meals, for 15 days. 

*If you prefer capsules, take 1 or 2 capsules twice daily.

Warning: Do not take charcoal while taking medication, as the charcoal will absorb the treated ingredients in your medications Note: bacteria love and feed on sugar.

Then it multiplies in the mouth, between the teeth, but also in the colon, which leads to a major imbalance.

Bad breath? You may be ill 

The reproduction of the bacteria responsible for bad breath sometimes occurs in the presence of infections or conditions such as stomach ulcers or cancers of the digestive system. Smell, then, is a sign of ill health that should not be overlooked! In fact, in a healthy body, the bile secreted by the liver helps eliminate bad bacteria. Bacteria that have not been destroyed cause bad breath. The volatile compounds that they release come out of our mouths when we breathe in.

The same applies to respiratory diseases (chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, for example). In these cases, breathing through the mouth and a buildup of phlegm in the nose or lungs also promote the growth of the bacteria responsible for bad breath. Based on this observation, the researchers attempted to discover whether or not ill humans emitted a specific olfactory signature. Including smells that our sense of smell cannot perceive. To do this, they successfully exploit the dogs' sense of smell. They have shown that task-trained dogs are able to detect smells characteristic of specific diseases.

Diet is the second preventive treatment for bad breath, after dental hygiene. Let's face it, good digestion eliminates most bad breath problems. I would like to note in this regard that chewing is the number one factor that enhances the quality of digestion. So do not swallow your food but chew it for a long time! The pleasure of eating will increase tenfold. A few simple habits help immensely.

These few tips should help you keep your breath fresh

1-Plants with purifying properties to facilitate digestion and refresh the breath taken at the end of a meal Bite into cardamom pods, fennel seeds, dill, a few parsley leaves, or even chew a little ginger.

2- To prevent your mouth from drying out, drink plenty of water.

3-Bet on green tea! Comparative studies between chlorhexidine (a product frequently used in mouthwashes) and green tea have shown that they has the same effectiveness. A green tea mouthwash in a few minutes reduces the number of Streptococcus mutans (the bacteria most implicated in cavities and inflammation of the mouth.)

4-The legendary "Eau de Botot" (available in pharmacies), meanwhile, promises you royal breath! It owes its name to its inventor, Edme François Julien Botot, physician to King Louis XV, who saw in this preparation a means of preserving the teeth of his sovereign, while ensuring him a breath compatible with his reputation as a seducer. Its composition, almost unchanged since its creation, includes alcohol and natural essences of mint, cinnamon and cloves. Pour a few drops of the mixture into a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it.

take care de vos dents avec one step... ProDentim

J’ai toujours bien pris soin de mes dents, mais j’ai toujours eu l’impression de ne pas en faire assez Toutes les lotions et brosses à dents...